Do you want to turn the world upside down with me?

I’m a passionate feminist activist and campaigner working in the intersection of gender justice, climate justice and social justice. Everything started by discussing with my primary teachers about their views on women’s rights as a 9 years old where I understood: not everyone believes that women and men should have the same rights. With this understanding that women are discriminated against based on their gender, I created dance workshops for refugee women in my hometown, a conservative mountain village in Switzerland, and realized – how they are not only discriminated against based on gender, but gender, ethnic group, race, class, residential status – how different forms of discrimination are intersecting. I decided to do whatever is in my power to end injustices. A fire was lit inside me and after years of experience in activism working on the grassroots to national to international level I want to share with you the motivation, energy and knowledge to change the world with feminism ! 



Feminist Expert

As an expert in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Sexual Violence, Youth Activism and Empowerment and the Interlinkage between Climate Justice and Gender Justice I can write, speak, moderate, facilitate spaces and visualize this content for you !


As a DJ spreading feminist activist messages with sounds, I can create eclectic atmospheres for you in a club, art exhibition, event or conference !

Knowledge Sharing

I want to share the skills I've gathered in feminist activism and DJing 
with other people. 
In lectures, workshops and talks as a feminist expert 
or with workshops about DJing.


I have a Bachelor in International Law and Politics from the University of Geneva and Leiden University and a Master of Arts in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action with an Advanced Certificate in Gender Studies from Sciences Po Paris.

I acquired experience on various levels:

With grassroot organisations (the Schoolbox Project in a refugee camp in Greece, Fundacion Colombianitos in favelas in Colombia, Bistro Interculturel working with refugees in my hometown in Switzerland)

With national organisations (Co-president of Sexual Health Switzerland and founder of its Youth Network, Les Créatives a feminist festival in Switzerland)

With international organisations (Womens rights specialist and campaigner for Amnesty International, Advocacy for the feminist organisation Equipop in Western Africa)

With international institutions (UN Youth Delegate for Switzerland, Project Associate for UNFPA in Rwanda)

With international alliances (Coordinator of the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action)

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